L'estudiant italiana de doctorat Marika Gargano ens explica la seva experiència al Campus d'Igualada

La seva tesi està focalitzada en la recuperació i valorització dels residus sòlids derivats de la indústria de la pell

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Marika Gargano amb Anna Bacardit, directora de l'A3 Center
Marika Gargano amb Anna Bacardit, directora de l'A3 Center. Foto: Campus Igualada-UdL

La Marika Gargano, estudiant de doctorat de la Università Federico II de Nàpols (Itàlia), està a punt de finalitzar la seva estada predoctoral de vuit mesos al Campus Universitari Igualada-UdL. Durant aquest temps ha estat investigant per a la seva tesi doctoral de la mà d'Anna Bacardit, directora de l'A3 Leather Innovation Center.

La tesi doctoral de Gargano està focalitzada en la recuperació i valorització dels residus sòlids derivats de la indústria de la pell, en termes de química verda i economia circular. A l'A3 Leather Innovation Center ha pogut compartir know-how i explorar la recerca relacionada amb els processos d'acabats de la pell.

Abans de tornar cap al seu país, la Marika ens explica què ha vingut a estudiar a Igualada, com està essent l'experiència de viure a la capital de l'Anoia, quins plans de futur té i acaba donant un consell a aquells estudiants que estan pensant quina titulació triar per estudiar a la universitat el curs vinent:

I’m Marika Gargano and I’m from Naples in the South of Italy. I’m a PhD student of the University of Naples Federico II. My PhD project is focused, in terms of green chemistry and circular economy, on the recovery and valorization of solid wastes derived from leather industry, through the extraction and application of collagen.

In order to share know-how and explore the research related on leather finishing, I’ve chosen to spend 8 months at the A3 Leather Innovation Center, in Igualada. Here I’ve found in the prof. Anna Bacardit and her collaborators, not only an extensive experience about leather processing but also a serene working environment.

Once finished my research period here, I’ll return in Naples in order to conclude my PhD and defend my thesis, and once finished my PhD I truly hope to continue this path with a postdoc fellowship, in order to become a researcher.

At first, moving from a big city like Naples to Igualada made me worried, but here I’ve discovered that smaller cities offer very hospitable communities.

Talking about my studies, I’ve got bachelor and master’s degrees in Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology. Since I was a child, I was really fascinated by science and at University I discovered how biotechnology can be applied in our daily life. It has not limit in application and there is always something new to study and explore.

I know that not everyone has the lucky to understand very clearly what to study before entering to the University, but the only suggestion that I have is to follow what truly enthuse you, not worrying about the opportunity to find a job once got your degree. Only doing what we love, we can succeed.